Sample Beneficiary Designation
To designate Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center as a beneficiary of an IRA or other retirement plan or financial account, you will need to contact your plan’s administrator or your bank and ask for their beneficiary designation form. When you fill it out, please use the following information:
Legal name: Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Federal tax ID number: 91-1935159
Address: 1100 Fairview Ave. N., Mail Stop J5-200, Seattle, WA 98109
If you are interested in supporting a specific project, program or area of research, it is best to discuss your plans with our planned giving professionals before completing your beneficiary designation form to confirm Fred Hutch can carry out your wishes.
Many beneficiary designation forms do not include space for restricting your gift. In that case, please contact us and we can separately document your wishes.
For More Information
For more information regarding your beneficiary designation and any restrictions you would like to make, contact us at 206.667.3396 or at
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center is a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and contributions made to it are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. The purpose of these web pages is to provide general educational information about charitable gifts, financial considerations and estate planning. They are not intended as legal, accounting or other professional advice. For assistance in planning charitable gifts with tax and other financial implications, the services of appropriate advisers should be obtained. Consult an attorney for advice if your plans require revision of a will or other legal document.
We are here to help

General Questions
Planned Giving
Phone: 206.667.3396

Asa Tate
Executive Director, Planned Giving
Phone: 206.667.4486

Kevin Boyce
Director, Planned Giving
Phone: 206.714.9888

Stephanie Henderson
Director, Planned Giving
Phone: 206.667.4974

Lauren M. Gersch
Assistant Director, Gift and Estate Management
Phone: 206.667.2754

Renee Baars
Assistant Director, Planned Giving
Phone: 206.667.2206

Emily Davies
Philanthropic Gifts Coordinator, Planned Giving
Phone: 206.667.4526